Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's accurate, it's sensitive, it's scientific, it's confidential and ON TIME. It's Acroseas!

What if somebody gave you a lottery ticket and also told you that the chances of you winning it are almost cent per cent? Sounds brilliant. doesn’t it?

Well this is exactly what I am going to give you.

Medical transcripts, when was the last time you actually paid for one with a smile on your face? Really expensive, aren’t they? Well this is exactly what I mentioned earlier. I have the solution to all of your expensive medical transcript costs and there is no scheme involved whatsoever. In fact I don’t have anything to do with your deal. I am just passing around something that I am really grateful to.

Medical transcripts can now be outsourced from countries abroad for half the rates. The end result is exactly how you expect it to be. Accurate, sensitive, scientific, confidential and delivered on time.

I do know of one such Indian firm which deals in outsourcing medical transcription at extremely subsidized rates. This company is called acroseas. Acroseas is a company that puts its customer’s satisfaction before anything else. I have outsourced my medical transcriptions to them and I am truly satisfied with their service.
I think outsourcing the medical transcription requirements makes a lot more sense than paying out by burning our pockets.