Friday, January 5, 2007

HIMSS defines ‘meaningful use’ of EMRs for Medicare incentives

So, soon providers will get incentives for putting EMRs into place–but as is usually the case, there’s a catch. To get Medicare incentive payments, it’s not enough to simply roll out the technology; hospitals and physicians will have to prove that they’ve made “meaningful use of certified EHR technology.”
This “meaningful use” includes using the technology to exchange electronic health data to improve care quality and submitting care quality measures to HHS. Not only that, hospitals and doctors will need to meet these requirements within a specified time frame.
So, what’s a group of providers to do if they want to get the incentive payments? HIMSS has a few suggestions:
  • Rely on CCHIT as the certifying body for EMRs.
  • Adopt metrics that can demonstrate meaningful use, and make them increasingly more stringent over two years or so.
  • Work with HITSP and IHE to make sure systems are interoperable.
  • Close the existing gap between “certified EHR technologies,” “best of breed,” and “open source” technologies. (now there’s a tall order
Any way you look at it, providers have their hands full in meeting the stimulus deadlines, which include October 1, 2010 for hospitals and January 1, 2011. Interoperability, in particular, is likely to be something of a nightmare.